
Over the years, we have seen firsthand the hardships that our clients deal with while living on workers’ comp. The system is overly complicated and can be painfully slow. It is inherently difficult to navigate through your own workers’ comp claim.

Unfortunately, we have seen many cases of additional hardships created by overzealous insurance adjusters (and sometimes employers). These experiences inspired us to create our own hashtag - #LifeOnComp. Here are some real world examples of situations that we have encountered:

  • A client’s doctor made a mistake on a medical form and benefits were terminated. That same doctor corrected the mistake and directly notified the adjuster of the mistake, yet benefits were not reinstated.
  • An adjuster scheduled a second medical opinion for our client more than 60 miles from her home. The adjuster threatened to terminate benefits if our client did not make that trip.
  • A client hired us to represent her because she was confused about the workers’ comp system. The adjuster immediately denied the claim because the injured worker hired a lawyer.
  • A paralyzed client was told by her psychiatrist that church visits were essential for her mental health. We requested additional care to enable our client to attend church services. The adjuster denied the request.
  • A nurse case manager scheduled an appointment with our client’s doctor and did not notify us of the appointment. The appointment was held outside of our presence and the adjuster has refused to reschedule the appointment.

In each of these instances, we took action to protect our clients against the unreasonable insurance adjuster. The workers’ comp system is imperfect even on its best day. When adjusters make it more difficult just because they can…well, that’s #LifeOnComp.

Don’t give up. Call us today and let us help you.

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